basic spoken english language - Parts of Speech

basic spoken english language - Parts of Speech

Basic Communication
Session A : Parts of Speech

1  Suggested Study Plan


Focus Area
 Parts of Speech
10 min
Attempt practice exercises
Application of POS
10 min


2  Objective

At the end of the session, participants will

•    understand the parts that form a meaningful sentence
•    be able to form sentences which are complete and comprehensible
•    also understand the application and how each part takes up different forms in specific contexts

3  Overview

Communication is all about making sense of what you say. All it takes is the right components structured to produce a meaningful sentence.
This self study module is designed to reinforce your awareness of the parts in a sentence that provide a complete thought.

4  Understanding Parts of Speech

The English language consists of the parts of speech listed below. Every word you will ever say or write falls into one of these categories (with the exception of the articles “a,” “an,” and “the”). Some words fall into more than one category depending upon their use in a sentence.

4.1  Noun

Noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing, or idea. A Noun can be a proper noun or a common noun.
•    Narendra Modi, Arundhati Bhattacharya (people, proper nouns), man, woman (people, common nouns), Corbett National Park, Bombay, (places, proper nouns), playground, town (places, common nouns) cricket bat, tennis ball (things) independence, freedom (ideas)

4.2  Pronoun

Pronoun is a word that replaces a person, place, thing, or idea.
Pronouns can act as subjects or objects, and some can show possession.
•    I, you, he, she, it, we, they (nominative case acts as subject) me, you, him, her, it, us, them (objective case acts as object)
my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs (possessive case shows possession)

4.3  Adjective

Adjective is a word used to describe, or modify, a noun or a pronoun. An adjective describes “what kind,” “which one,” “how many,” or “how much? ”
•    the brown dog (Which dog? ), the colonial house (What kind of house? ), the two cars (How many cars? ), She is blonde. (What kind of hair? ), He is tall. (What kind of height? )

4.4  Verb

Verb is a word that shows action or that indicates a condition or a state of being.
•    I run.
•    Sri talks.
•    The boys eat.
•    I am sick.
•    She is tired.
•    The people are free.
Note:  It is best to use strong action verbs that paint a vivid picture in the readers’ mind (e.g. race, waddle, chomp). The verb “to be” (e.g. is, are, was, were) is not descriptive, so requires the use of adverbs.

4.5  Adverb

Adverb is a word used to describe, or modify, a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. An adverb describes how, when, where, or to what extent the verb performs.
•    I run fast. (How fast do I run? )
•    The boys are eating now. (When are the boys eating? )
•    I am very sick.
•    She is extremely tired.
•    The people are finally free.
These examples all show to what extent the verb performs.

4.6  Preposition

Preposition is a word used to show a relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word in the sentence. Prepositions often show direction, location, or time.
•    in the morning, up in the sky, down south, in a minute, at 2:00 p.m., before bed, by my side, without a doubt, over the hill, after school, through the door, across the street, around the world

4.7  Conjunction

Conjunction is a word that connects other words or groups of words to each other. There are three types of conjunctions: coordinating, subordinating, and correlative.
•    Anu and Arun are going to the store. (coordinating)
•    Anu is going to the store because she likes Arun (subordinating)
•    Anu likes Arun whether he likes her or not. (correlative)

4.8  Interjection

Interjection is a word used to express emotion that has no grammatical relationship to other words in the sentence. Interjections should be used
sparingly .
•    Uh oh, I made a mistake!  Oh no, I forgot to call Sindhu. Well, what are you going to do? 
Traditional grammar classifies words based on eight parts of speech. The verb, the noun, the pronoun, the adjective, the adverb, the preposition, the conjunction, and the interjection which we had an insight into.

Each part of speech explains not what the word is, but how the word is used. In fact, the same word can be a noun in one sentence and a verb or adjective in the next. The next few illustrations show how a word’s part of speech can change from one sentence to the next, and following them is a series of sections on the individual parts of speech.
1.  Books are made of ink, paper, and glue.
In this sentence, “books” is a noun, the subject of the sentence.
2.  Leena waits patiently while Sona books the tickets.
Here “books” is a verb, and its subject is “Sona.”
3.  We walk down the street everyday.
In this sentence, “walk” is a verb, and its subject is the pronoun “we.”
4.  The mail carrier stood on the walk.
In this example, “walk” is a noun, which is part of a prepositional phrase describing where the mail carrier stood.
5.  The town decided to build a new jail.
Here “jail” is a noun, which is the object of the infinitive phrase “to build.”
6.  The sheriff told us that if we did not leave town immediately he would jail us.
Here “jail” is part of the compound verb “would jail.”

7.  They heard high pitched cries in the middle of the night.
In this sentence, “cries” is a noun acting as the direct object of the verb “heard.” The baby cries all night long and all day long.

But here “cries” is a verb that describes the action of the subject of the sentence, the baby.

5  Practice Exercises

5.1  Identify the parts of speech for each word in the sentence.

1.  The lazy man slept in the afternoon, and he was very tired at night.
2.  A red car is dangerous for policeman , but it is incredibly beautiful.
3.  The slim dancer stopped for a cup of coffee in the crowded diner.
4.  In the summer, the happy children play enthusiastically before they eat their dinner.
5.  The thief stole my bicycle, so I walked to John’s house.
6.  The cute puppy rested on the couch, and it was very energetic in the afternoon.
7.  The black cat ran quickly down the street, but the dog found it immediately.
8.  The cute puppy rested on the couch, and it was very energetic in the afternoon.
9.  The black cat ran quickly down the street, but the dog found it immediately.
10.  The very tall teacher talked to her old friend on her new cell phone.
11.  Yesterday, the secretive students whispered softly during the difficult examination.
12.  He lives here, in this incredibly ugly house.

5.2   Write the correct forms of the words in brackets.

1.  Decide how much you can spend, and shop ________.(ACCORDING)
2.  I received an ________from Toshiba yesterday telling me that they were considering my application for the job. (ACKNOWLEDGE)
3.  We’re having some________made to our house. (ALTER)
4.  There has been an________of  50% in property values. (APPRECIATE)
5.  Foods that are ___________produced in laboratories are threatening our health. (ARTIFICIAL)
6.  Although he started learning English a few months ago, he speaks it__________. (FLAW)
7.  I locked myself out of the house__________. ERROR
8.  Their job was to_______________identify enemy. (COLLABORATE)
9.  Mike had a _________with another player and broke his leg.(COLLIDE)
10.  His employers paid him $5000_______for his broken leg. (COMPENSATE)
11.  There was widespread international_________of the bombing. (CONDEMN)
12.  Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training.
____________, their keyboard skills are inefficient. (CONSEQUENCE)
13.  Women suffering from iron________can take supplements in the form of tablets. (DEFICIENT)
14.  Passengers said the cabin shook violently during the plane’s __________. (DESCEND)
15.  Power is shared between three main branches of government: the_________, the legislative, and the judiciary. (EXECUTE)
16.  Though Vivaldi earned a great deal of money in his life time, his________was such that he died in poverty. (EXTRAVAGANT)
17.  Recently there has been___________towards the Prime Minister from members of his own party. (HOSTILE)
18.  ___________is now running at over 16%. INFLATE
19.  Millions of people oppose U.S. military__________overseas. (INTERVENE)
20.       There are a number of very_______  players in their team.( TALENT) 


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